Thursday, August 28, 2008

Almost live CBC Coverage

Today I recieved information about the times that CBC will cover the Paralympics. I am impressed with their commitment to cover it as it comes rather than a 1 hour summary, two weeks after the games end. Can someone tape it for me please..

Below is the exact info forwarded to me.....

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. will be covering the Paralympic Games on its main English TV network on the following dates:
Saturday, Sept. 6: 19:00 to 20:00 (Opening Ceremony)
Saturday, Sept. 13: 13:00 to 15:30
Saturday, Sept. 20: 12:00 to 13:00
Saturday, Sept. 27: 14:00 to 15: 30
Radio-Canada will be covering the Paralympic Games on its main French TV network on the following dates:
Saturday, Sept. 27: 14:00 to 16:00
Saturday, Oct. 4: 14:00 to 16:00
The CBC/Radio-Canada is also planning to do some webstreaming and may also broadcast some coverage on its English-language digital TV station bold.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the info, i agree with you it is far better than previous years. we will tape everything we can get our hands on.

keep up the great work, thinking of you...

the family...

Louise Boucher said...

Hey Colin, Good Luck in Beijing! All your old Pool Buddies from the old Cue Club on Pembina here are rooting for you!! Take care and have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,

Teri and I are cheering for you. Thanks for posting the TV times - we're defintely going to tune in and cheer you on.

Good luck from Teri & Derek MacDonald....