Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunburned in Otttawa

I can't believe that my first real sunburn of the season comes in Ottawa. For those that don't keep up with Quebec weather, we had about 50 days of no sun and rain everyday. I was able to have quality dry training most of the time, but it was due to waiting for those moments whenever they came.

The trip to Ottawa has been fun so far and I'm back to the grind in Sherbrooke tomorrow. Although fun, this trip is nowhere near the excitement and entertainment I had the last time I was here. The track seems a little slower when dry which still after 3 days of pondering still doesn't make sense. Although I"m not "peaked" yet, I am still performing at about 95% of my best which is ideal because my energy level seems to be around 90%. I am very excited to see what 100% looks like when it's time.

I was sad that the whole team didn't show up because it's things like this that start the team building process and help everyone be on the same page, based on the same information. It would have also been a great time to start looking at the relay rather than trying to coordinate it while we're in China. Based on the lack of spriters, there may not be a relay anyway.

Anyway, I'm done racing until Beijing and I'm attending a fancy function tonight that I have to get dressed up for.

Other than the odd luxury of a clean and good smelling track suit for a hard practice, I haven't had to get dressed up in ages. It took me 3 tries to get the tie looking decent and hope it's appreciated.

Bye for now.


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