Sunday, September 14, 2008

4 great pushes

So I run the 100m in a few hours. In all the 100m races I have done, the first few pushes are what makes or breaks the race. I do not need a top speed that is crazy, but I do need a great accelleration. I tested things out yesterday and things feel great. I was at 98 % of my top speed before 40% of the race which means I plan on cruising for 60m at my top speed.



Anonymous said...

Good Luck Colin!

We are the Didham's, Jeff, Cari and 2 year old Madison. Huge Olympic fans, we became insomniacs during the Beijing games. During the day we run a design firm in Winnipeg, Envisage Design Group. Variety, The Children's Charity of Manitoba is near and dear to our hearts and have done a lot of their design work in the past 5 years, including the web site

We wish you the best of luck in the 100 and congratulations!!

Jeff, Cari & Madison

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin. I'm still following your steps. even unseen ;-). I hope you can enjoy your days and meet great people. big hug. annette

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,

We can't believe we've found your journey. Hope you are enjoying the adventure, as well as the competition.

Cheers from all of us in little ol' Hanover, Ontario.

Jackie, Adam, Evelyn and Selena Hofmann

OMatthes Clan said...

How did it go Colin?

Anonymous said...

Hi Son,
We are waiting eagerly for your next is it going and what are you up to? What did you decide to do as a tourist? Are you going to be able to participate in the closing ceremonies? Much love to you and we can hardly wait to see you on the weekend. Have a safe and restful journey back to this side of the world.
Love you forever....Mom, Dad and Jenna

Anonymous said...

Hey man just wanted to say I am super proud of ya! Hope we get an update soon.

oh... and Grum loves ya forever too.